I. Economic Fundamentals of European Integration (55 hrs./ Nov.-Ian.) See course syllabus

- European Union: definition, history, purpose and principles
- The European integration process: historical development, theories, basic concepts and the enlargement process
- The European Union institutional framework
- Economic policies in the European Union
- Current developments in the European Union
Professors: C-tin Marius APOSTOAIE, Irina BILAN
II. Public Finance and Fiscal Policy in the European Union (35 hrs./ Febr.-Apr.) See course syllabus

- The fiscal systems and tax policies of the EU Member States
- The public expenditure systems and expenditure policies of the EU Member States
- Budget deficits and public debt policies in the EU Member States
- The EU budget and the supranational fiscal policy of the EU
- Sustainable fiscal policies and fiscal governance in the EU
- Challenging issues for public finance and fiscal policy in the EU
Professors: Irina BILAN, Ana-Maria BERCU
III. Monetary policy in the European Union (35 hrs./ Apr.-May) See course syllabus

- The content of monetary policy and its effects on the real economy
- The institutional framework of the single monetary policy (euro area monetary policy)
- The strategy and operational framework of the ECB’s monetary policy
- The unconventional monetary policy instruments of the ECB in the context of the latest global crisis
- The operational framework of the monetary policies of the EU Member States which have not adopted the euro
- The coordination of monetary policy with fiscal policy in the EU Member States
- Challenging issues for monetary policy in the EU
Professors: Angela ROMAN, Mihaela TOFAN