- Monday 20 May 2024, starting 12.00 p.m. local time
- Online on Google Meet (click here) and Room C3, building C, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, UAIC
TOPIC: Consultanta fiscala pe intelesul tuturor – aspecte de baza privind impozitul pe profit
Ana NECHIFOR – Tax manager PwC Romania
About our speaker:
Ana NECHIFOR is the Manager of the corporate income tax team, with 8 years of experience in tax consulting. She has extensive experience in service areas such as direct tax consultancy, domestic and international tax issues; currently she is mainly involved in the retail & consumer sector, offering assistance on tax consultancy projects such as: tax reviews, tax inspections, tax reporting, and day-to-day consulting. She is also an authorized tax consultant, member of the Romanian Chamber of Tax Consultants. an experienced policy economist with a focus on monetary and fiscal policy.