I. Economic Fundamentals of European Integration
Papers and reports
- El-Agraa, A.M. (2019). The European Union: Economics and Policies. 9th edition. Cambridge University Press. Available here
- Willem, M. (2019). The Economics of European Integration: Theory, Practice, Policy. New York: Routledge.
- Baimbridge, M., Litsios, I., Jackson, K., Lee, U.R. (2017). Theoretical Foundations of European Economic Integration. In: The Segmentation of Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, London. Available here
- Pye, R. (2018). The European Union and the absence of fundamental rights in the Eurozone: A critical perspective. European Journal of International Relations, 24(3), 567-589. Available here
- Stoica, O., Oprea, O., Bostan, I., Toderascu, C., Lazar, C. (2020). European Banking Integration and Sustainable Economic Growth. Sustainability 2020, 12, 1164. Available here
- Bongardt, A., Torres, F. (2020). Lessons From the Coronavirus Crisis for European Integration. Inter economics, 55(3), 130–131. Available here
- Ioannou, D., Leblond, P., Niemann, A. (2015). European Integration and the Crisis: Practice and Theory. Journal of European Public Policy. 22. Available here
- Milanovic, B. (2019). Where are the limits of Europe? Social Europe. Available here
Videos and podcasts
Euronews Debates – Can the EU Green Deal empower business and consumer change
IISS Webinar – The European Union in the Covid-19 storm: economical, political and stability challenges
European Commission – We are Europe…every day
Investopedia – Explaining Economic Integration
Euronews – Euro banknotes set for first full redesign in 20 years
Rivis – European Union: new States? No problem
Coppieters Foundation – Unveiling Internal Enlargement

II. Public Finance and Fiscal Policy in the European Union
Papers and reports
- Alloza, M., Andres, J., Burriel, P., Kataryniuk, I., Perez, J. J. and Vega, J. L. (2021). The reform of the European Union’s fiscal governance framework in a new macroeconomic environment. Banco de Espana Documentos Ocasionales No. 2121. Available here.
- Avgousti, A., Caprioli, F., Caracciolo, G., Cochard, M., Dallari, P., Delgado-Téllez, M., Domingues, J., Ferdinandusse, M., Filip, D., Nerlich, C., Prammer, D., Schmidt, K. and Theofilakou, A. (2023). The climate change challenge and fiscal instruments and policies in the EU. Occasional Paper Series no. 315/ June 2023, ECB. Available here
- Collignon, S. (2012). Europe’s debt crisis, coordination, failure, and international effects. ADBI Working Paper Series No. 370. Available here.
- European Commission (2022). Report on public finance in EMU 2021. Institutional Paper 181, July 2022. Available here.
- Heflich, A. and Saulnier, J. (2022). (2022). Improving the quality of public spending in Europe. Green transformation. European Parliamentary Research Service PE 730.317, May 2022. Available here.
- Peterson Institute for International Economics (2020). The Greek debt crisis. No easy way out. Case study. Available here.
- Rodriguez-Vives, M. (2019). The quality of public finance: where do we stand? Economics and Business Letters, 8(2), pp. 97-105. Available here.
- Thygesen, N., Beetsma, R., Bordignon, M., Duchêne, S. and Szczurek, M. (2019). Assessment of EU fiscal rules with a focus on the six and two-pack legislation. European Fiscal Board. Available here
Videos and podcasts
EPRS Policy Podcast – Taxing the digital economy: New developments and the way forward
EPRS Policy Podcast – Annual EU budgetary procedure
Euractiv – The EU’s state aid dilemma
Euronews – Europe rethinking its rules on government debt to meet new global challenges
Euronews – Fiscal rules: Towards a new growth model for Europe
Euronews – Brussels, my love? How are EU funds being spent and is it transparent enough?
Tadeusz Kościński, the Minister of Finance of Poland – The future of taxation in the EU: tax solidarity. Bruegel

III. Monetary policy in the European Union
Papers and reports
- Altavilla, C., Lemke, W., Linzert, T., Tapking, J. and von Landesberger, J. (2021). Assessing the efficacy, efficiency and potential side effects of the ECB’s monetary policy instruments since 2014. Occasional Paper Series no. 278/ September 2021, ECB. Available here
- Boneva, L., Ferrucci, G. and Mongelli, F. P. (2021). To be or not to be “green”: how can monetary policy react to climate change? Occasional Paper Series no. 285/ November 2021, ECB. Available here
- Corsi, M. and Mudde, Y. (2022). The use of the Eurosystem’s monetary policy instruments and its monetary policy implementation framework in 2020 and 2021. Occasional Paper Series no. 304/ September 2022, ECB. Available here
- ECB (2023). The international role of the euro. Available here
- ECB (2021). Monetary-fiscal policy interactions in the euro area. Occasional Paper Series no. 273/ September 2021. Available here
- Holm-Hadulla, F., Musso, A., Rodriguez-Palenzuela, D. and Vlassopoulos, T. (2021). Evolution of the ECB’s analytical framework. Occasional Paper Series no. 277/ September 2021, ECB. Available here
- Kakes, J., Klaver, I. and Rollingswier, R. (2022). The Eurosystem’s monetary toolbox in unconventional times. DeNederlandscheBank Occasional Studies, 20(2), Available here
Videos and podcasts
Euronews – Do we need the digital euro?
European Central Bank – The history of the ECB
European Central Bank – Monetary sovereignty: meaning and implications
European Central Bank – Discussion on ‘Monetary policy after the energy shock’
ECB Podcast – Let’s get digital on inflation, climate and the euro
ECB Podcast – Making monetary policy fit for today and beyond: the ECB strategy review