EUconomics International Conference
“Financial and Monetary Policies for Fostering European Integration”
30 March –1 April 2023
Iaşi, Romania

On behalf of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (Romania), we are pleased to invite you to participate in the EUconomics International Conference “Financial and Monetary Policies for Fostering European Integration” organized within the Jean Monnet Module “Towards New Paradigms of EU Economics: Financial and Monetary Milestones” (EUconomics), on March 30th – April 1st, 2023, in Iași. To reach a wider audience, the conference will be organized as a hybrid event, although we strongly encourage in-person attendance for presenters.
The conference aims to bring into discussion the key role of EU financial and monetary policies for fostering European integration and will provide the background for the development of constructive debates on this and other connected topics. Young and established academics, researchers, and practitioners from both Romania and other EU and non-EU countries are encouraged to attend and bring their contribution to a better understanding of the European policy background, old and new challenges for policy making, and specific role of financial and monetary policies in supporting growth and stability in Europe and around the world.
Conference topics
Contributions on the following (non-restrictive) topics are welcome:
- Emerging economic, societal, environmental, and technological challenges for European policy making
- Fiscal policies and their impact on the European business environment
- European monetary policies and financial stability
- Banks, insurance, and financial markets in the European Union
- Business management in a dynamic European policy environment
- Legal issues and approaches to strengthening the European regulatory framework
Within the conference, a Students’ Roundtable will be organized. Bachelor and master’s students are encouraged to submit essays on the topic of the conference and present their ideas in front of an envisaged audience, as means of further exploring and expanding their understanding of European financial and monetary integration. See more
Keynote speakers
Maroje LANG
Chief Advisor, Croatian National Bank and Deputy President, Fiscal Policy Commission
Topic: Croatia’s Experience with the Accession to the Eurozone
He is an experienced policy economist with a focus on monetary and fiscal policy. He spent most of his career at Croatian National Bank where he advanced from an intern to analyst, director, and chief adviser. He was educated in Zagreb, LSE, and MIT, and participated in numerous professional and executive trainings. He served as an Assistant Minister of Finance of the Republic of Croatia in charge of the Directorate for Macroeconomic Analysis, Economy, Financial System, European Union and International Financial Relations. He was a member of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC), National Authorizing Officer (NAO) responsible for the Pre-accession EU Funds. Since 2018, he has been a member and Deputy President of the Croatian Fiscal Policy Commission. In his current role, he is coordinating economic research at the CNB and working on various projects, including climate-related issues for the central banks.
Anastasios PAPPAS
Head of Research Department, Hellenic Fiscal Council
Topic: Macroeconomic and Fiscal Developments in Greece: the Necessity of an Independent Fiscal Institution
He has received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of the Aegean (with a scholarship obtained from the “State Scholarship Foundation”- “IKY”), an MSc in International Banking and Finance from the University of Southampton (UK), and a Ph.D. degree in Macroeconomics from the University of the Aegean. He has worked as an economist in the private and public sectors (consulting, banking, and local government). He has taught various courses (Macroeconomics, Economic Policy, Microeconomics, Political Economy, Business Economics, etc.) at the University of Aegean and at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His research interests cover topics concerning Fiscal Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy, Economic Forecasting, Financial Crises, and Capital Mobility.
Professor Ph.D., University of Murcia and European Institute – LSE
Topic: The ECB’s Monetary Policy: The Path towards Progressive Normalization in Turbulent Times
She is an Associate Professor at the University of Murcia (Spain). She carries out her academic activity at the Faculty of Economics and Business where she has actively participated in various positions over the years. She was coordinator of the doctoral program in Economics during the biennium 1999-2001 and director of the department of Applied Economics, between 2005 and 2009. Since June 2021 she is president of the Spanish Association of International Economics and Finance (Spanish Chapter of the International Economics and Finance Society). She has participated in numerous projects and research contracts from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Government of Spain, among others. Her research interests are in the areas of International Finance, Applied Macroeconometrics, Cliometrics and Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and Monetary Policy. She has recently started a new line of research linked to some SDGs. She has published extensively in academic journals (Finance Research Letters, International Review of Economics & Finance, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, The World Economy, Applied Economics Letters, Cities, Journal of Cleaner Production, Current Issues in Tourism, among others) and has been guest editor for Economics -The Open-Access, Open-Assessment Journal, The World Economy and Routledge. Her current research focuses on financial bubbles, credit and economic cycles, long-run fiscal sustainability, and unconventional monetary policy. Expertise details: Monetary Policy; Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance; Unconventional Monetary Policy; Zero Lower Bound (ZLB); Monetary Transmission Mechanisms.
CEO, Romanian Association of Banks
Topic: Gaps in the European Banking System
He has over 20 years of experience in banking and financial services. He has a Bachelor’s degree in economics from the Academy of Economic Studies and is an EMBA graduate from the WU Executive Academy. He started his career in 1995 at the Ministry of Finance, dealing with relations with international financial bodies. In 1996, he turned to treasury activities and became the head of the Financial Markets Department of a major state-owned bank. In 2000, Florin Dănescu joined the team of a small bank with private capital, as head of the Treasury Department and later First Vice-President, responsible for the management of cash operations, treasury and risk management, and information technology activities and initiatives. In 2008, Florin Dănescu was elected the bank’s executive president, thus becoming one of the youngest bank presidents in Romania. In 2011, Florin Danescu was appointed by the banking community as the executive president of the Romanian Association of Banks. Since 2011, he represents the Romanian Association of Banks within the Executive Committee of the European Banking Federation.
Cosmin-Flavius COSTAȘ
Associate Professor Ph.D., University Babes Bolyai, Cluj Napoca
Topic: DeFi and Default. Actual and Virtual Threats
He is associate professor at the Faculty of Law, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania). He is currently teaching a range of courses in the field of Financial Law and Tax Law in Cluj-Napoca and Iaşi: Law of Public Finances, Tax Litigation, Difficult Issues of National and European Taxation, Taxation of New Technologies (in Romanian), Introduction to European Tax Law, European & Comparative Tax Law (in English). In the framework of the Erasmus Teaching Mobility Programme he has visited partner universities in Leon (2018, 2019), Valencia (2022) and Perugia (2022). Research activities include a longtime collaboration with Scuola Europea di Alti Studi Tributari, University of Bologna (e.g. study of the system of sanctions for VAT fraud on an OLAF-financed project or environmental taxation), as well as participation in research projects coordinated by the universities in Brno and Lublin (most of these followed-up by joint publications regarding taxation of agriculture or real estate taxation). He is the organizer of the international conference Cluj Tax Forum (2016 – 2019) and editor of Cluj Tax Forum Journal (since 2018). He has published alone or in collaboration more than 50 books in Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Moldova, more 170 articles in various journals and participated as speaker or keynote speaker in national and international conferences (e.g. EUFIRE annual conferences in Iaşi). Recent publications include: C.F. Costaș, Drept financiar, 3rd edition, Ed. Universul Juridic, București, 2021; C.F. Costaș, Drept fiscal, 3rd edition, Ed. Universul Juridic, București, 2021; C.F. Costaș (editor), Codul de procedură fiscală comentat, Ed. Solomon, București, 2016. Professional activities imply coordination of a law firm and various teaching positions for the National Institute of Magistrature (INM), the National Institute for the Preparation and Perfectioning of Lawyers (INPPA) and the Chamber of Certified Accountants and Expert Accountants (CECCAR).
Paper submission
The submission of both full-length papers and extended abstracts (between 300-500 words) is welcome. All submissions must be in English. Each participating author is allowed to submit up to 2 papers. Authors are invited to submit their contribution electronically, at the e-mail address, no later than on March 1, 2023. In preparing the abstract/paper, the authors are required to strictly follow the templates below.
Key dates
- Deadline for full paper/extended abstract submission –
1 March 202315 March 2023 - Notification on paper/abstract acceptance or rejection – ongoing, until
8 March 202315 March 2023 - Fee payment and registration deadline –
15 March 202317 March 2023 - Conference days – 30 March – 1 April 2023 (online and onsite)
- Final paper submission for publication –
1 May 202312 May 2023
Publication opportunities see more
Conference fee and registration see more
Scientific and organising committees see more
Students’ Roundtable see more
Venue and accommodation see more
JM Module “Towards New Paradigms of EU Economics: Financial and Monetary Milestones”
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași
Address: Bvd. Carol I, no. 22, Iasi, 700505